How to Advertise on Facebook
Date & Time
Saturday, April 28, 2018, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Maddie Langston
*You are encouraged to bring your laptop and have the admin logins and passwords to the practice FB page for this class.*
Question from a Member:  We are seriously considering running a Facebook ad as you had mentioned in our last meeting, but are confused on where to start/what a reasonable amount is to spend to reach a good amount of people, how to construct an ad. Could you help us with this?
Course Description:  
Perhaps you’re an owner/O.D. with an interest in advertising on Facebook – or an Office Manager who’s been tasked with creating Facebook ads to grow the practice – and have no idea where to begin. Within this course, you will learn how to create an advertising objective, a concrete call to action for prospects and compelling creative in Ads Manager to grow the practice, along with tips on a budget and how to track ROI.
Learning Objectives:
  • Each attendee will learn how to identify the specific desired outcome for any paid advertisement
  • Each attendee will learn how to access and successfully navigate the Ads Manager in Facebook
  • Each attendee will learn how to create a concrete call to action for prospects in the Facebook ad
  • Each attendee will learn the different formats for ad creative
  • Each attendee will receive guidance on budget and how to track ROI for Facebook advertising